Wrinkled hot old gay men

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I usually workout and diet just to look good naked. Exercise and dieting aren’t just for vanity Yes, ageism is real in hook-up apps, the gay scene and the job market, but there are other ways to find (a) company, and worrying too much about rejection will only work against you rather than allowing you focus on everything else that makes you so worthwhile. Your feelings about aging are not only near-universal (any insecurity or observation you can think of has probably been thought or felt by someone else), but they’re also only as important as you think they are, at least in terms of attractiveness. After a forty-minute conversation, here’s what I left with: All the same, I couldn’t shake my self-preference for a full head of hair, so I called a 55-year-old gay man who I respect very much and asked him for his advice on how to get over it.

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Instantly, I felt upset and then I felt upset about feeling upset as I’d made a deal with myself in my 20s to age “disgracefully”, avoiding tonics and surgeries to keep wrinkles and baldness at bay. I’d known of their existence, but I’d never had the “pleasure” of seeing the thinning patches so clearly, undeniable proof of my age.

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Recently, in a locker room filled with mirrors, I had the privilege of finally seeing the two bald spots forming on my head.

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